Interface Summary Interface Description IndividualSampler<U> Obtains a sample of users starting from a single user.Sampler<V> Interface for all the classes that generate subsamples from a graph. -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractIndividualSampler<U> Abstract implementation of the IndividualSampler interface.AllSampler<U> Samples the all the possible links (all links not included in the test set).DistanceTwoIndividualSampler<U> Samples the complete set of users at distance two from the userDistanceTwoLinkPredictionIndividualSampler<U> Samples all the links created at distance two from the user in a test graph, and the same amount of links at distance two which have not been created.LinkPredictionSampler<U> Samples all the links created in a test graph, and the same amount of links which have not been created.RecommenderIndividualSampler<U> Samples the top k of a contact recommendation algorithm.