Rerankers that optimize global properties of the network related to the edges.
This rerankers start from a graph containing all the recommended edges. Then, edges are
swapped with some of the not recommended edges, in order to improve the global parameter.
Class Summary Class Description AbstractHeuristicNeighborOverlapReranker<U> Swap reranker that modifies the rankings according to the average embeddedness of the network.AbstractNeighborOverlapReranker<U> Class that tries to maximize the average embededness of the graph.EmbedednessReranker<U> Swap reranker for optimizing the average embeddedness of the graph.HeuristicEmbedednessReranker<U> Swap reranker for optimizing the embeddedness of the graph.HeuristicWeaknessReranker<U> Swap reranker for optimizing the embeddedness of the graph.WeaknessReranker<U> Swap reranker for maximizing the average weakness of the graph, i.e.