Class ExternalFeatureIndividualGiniComplement<U extends,​I extends,​F>

Type Parameters:
U - type of the user.
I - type of the information.
F - type of the features.
All Implemented Interfaces:
IndividualSimulationMetric<U,​I,​F>, SimulationMetric<U,​I,​F>

public class ExternalFeatureIndividualGiniComplement<U extends,​I extends,​F>
extends AbstractExternalFeatureIndividualSimulationMetric<U,​I,​F>
Computes the complement of the Gini coefficient over the distribution of the features that the user does not already know. We differ two cases: a) User parameters: (Ex.: Communities) In this case, we take the values of the parameter for the creators of the received information pieces. b) Information parameters: (Ex: hashtags) In this case, we take the values of the parameters for the different information pieces which are received and observed by each individual user.
  • Field Details

    • GINI

      private static final java.lang.String GINI
      Name fixed value.
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
    • sum

      private final java.util.Map<U extends,​java.lang.Double> sum
      For each user, this map register the total number of times each user it has received a feature value. Ex: f there are four possible parameter values, A, B, C and D, and, for user u, value A has been received thrice (1 in iteration 1, 2 in iteration 3) , value B has been received once (in iteration 2), value C has not been received, and value D has been received five times (3 in iteration 2 and 2 in iteration 4), the value of this map for user u will be equal to 3+1+0+5=9.
    • featCounter

      private final java.util.Map<U extends,​it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.Double2IntMap> featCounter
      For each user, registers the number of features with a certain frequency of appearance. Ex: if value A appears 3.0 times, value B appears 3.0 times, and value C appears twice, the map contains pairs (3.0,2) and (2.0,1).
    • indivFeatCounter

      private final java.util.Map<F,​java.util.Map<U extends,​java.lang.Double>> indivFeatCounter
      For each user, registers the number of times each feature value has been received. Ex: If there are four possible parameter values, A, B, C and D, and, for user u, value A has been received thrice (1 in iteration 1, 2 in iteration 3) , value B has been received once (in iteration 2), value C has not been received, and value D has been received five times (3 in iteration 2 and 2 in iteration 4), the map for user u will contain pairs (A,3),(B,1),(C,0),(D,5).
    • count

      private final java.util.Map<U extends,​java.lang.Integer> count
      The number of different values for the feature.
    • unique

      private final boolean unique
      Indicates if a piece of information is considered once (or each time it appears if false).
  • Constructor Details

    • ExternalFeatureIndividualGiniComplement

      public ExternalFeatureIndividualGiniComplement​(java.lang.String feature, boolean userFeat, boolean unique)
      userFeat - true if we are using a user feature, false if we are using an information piece feature.
      feature - the name of the feature.
      unique - true if a piece of information is considered once, false if it is considered each time it appears.
  • Method Details

    • calculate

      public double calculate()
      Description copied from interface: SimulationMetric
      Calculates the metric for the current state of the simulation.
      the value of the metric for the current state of the simulation
    • updateUserFeatures

      protected void updateUserFeatures​(Iteration<U,​I,​F> iteration)
      Description copied from class: AbstractFeatureIndividualSimulationMetric
      Updates the necessary variables to compute a metric, in case the feature values we are using belongs to the creators of the information pieces received by the users in the network.
      Specified by:
      updateUserFeatures in class AbstractFeatureIndividualSimulationMetric<U extends,​I extends,​F>
      iteration - the new iteration.
    • updateInfoFeatures

      protected void updateInfoFeatures​(Iteration<U,​I,​F> iteration)
      Description copied from class: AbstractFeatureIndividualSimulationMetric
      Updates the necessary variables to compute a metric, in case the feature values we are using belong to the information pieces received by the users in the network.
      Specified by:
      updateInfoFeatures in class AbstractFeatureIndividualSimulationMetric<U extends,​I extends,​F>
      iteration - the new iteration.
    • updateMap

      private void updateMap​(U u, java.util.Map<F,​java.lang.Double> aux)
      Internal function for updating the individual and counter maps.
      u - the user.
      aux - an auxiliary map containing the new increments of several parameters for user u.
    • calculate

      public double calculate​(U user)
      Description copied from interface: IndividualSimulationMetric
      Calculates the metric value for a single user.
      user - the single user.
      the value of the metric, NaN if something failed.
    • clear

      public void clear()
      Description copied from interface: SimulationMetric
      Resets the metric.
    • initialize

      protected void initialize()
      Description copied from class: AbstractIndividualSimulationMetric
      Initializes all the variables needed for computing and updating the values of the metric.
      Specified by:
      initialize in class AbstractIndividualSimulationMetric<U extends,​I extends,​F>