Class ExternalFeatureIndividualRate<U extends,​I extends,​F>

Type Parameters:
U - type of the users of the network.
I - type of the information.
F - type of the features.
All Implemented Interfaces:
IndividualSimulationMetric<U,​I,​F>, SimulationMetric<U,​I,​F>

public class ExternalFeatureIndividualRate<U extends,​I extends,​F>
extends AbstractExternalFeatureIndividualSimulationMetric<U,​I,​F>
Computes the proportion of features that reach a user and are unknown to him/her. In terms of knowledge, we consider that a user does not know about a feature if:
  • User feature: The user does not have that feature. For example, if the user belongs to community 1, the rest of communities will be considered as unknown for him
  • Information piece feature: there is no piece of information published by the user which contains that feature. For example, if user u has three tweets, containing respectively hashtag sets {sports, football}, {ir} and {ff,followfriday}, hashtag basketball will be unknown to the user, and hashtag football will be known to him
  • Field Details


      private static final java.lang.String EXTPARAMRATE
      Name fixed value.
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
    • externalFeats

      private final java.util.Map<U extends,​java.lang.Double> externalFeats
      Stores the number of external features received.
    • totalFeats

      private final java.util.Map<U extends,​java.lang.Double> totalFeats
      Stores the total number of external features received.
    • unique

      private final boolean unique
      Indicates if a piece of information is considered once (or each time it appears if false).
  • Constructor Details

    • ExternalFeatureIndividualRate

      public ExternalFeatureIndividualRate​(java.lang.String features, boolean userFeats, boolean unique)
      userFeats - true if we are using a user features, false if we are using an information piece features.
      features - the name of the features.
      unique - true if a piece of information is considered once, false if it is considered each time it appears.
  • Method Details