Class IndependentCascadeModelProtocol<U extends,​I extends,​F>

Type Parameters:
U - type of the users.
I - type of the information pieces.
F - type of the user and information pieces features.

public class IndependentCascadeModelProtocol<U extends,​I extends,​F>
extends Protocol<U,​I,​F>
Independent Cascade Model Protocol.
Main characteristics:
  • Selection mechanism: Each user takes a fixed number of information pieces from the own list. In the case of the received list, each piece of information is propagated with a probability that depends only on the user that propagated the information to the user.
  • Expiration mechanism: In this case, every information piece that is not propagated is discarded.
  • Update mechanism: As information pieces are immediately deleted after not being propagated, received information pieces are not updated at all. In the case of the previously discarded fragments, a tweet emited by an user can only be propagated if the user has not already appeared in the received set as a creator of the information piece.
  • Propagation mechanism: The information is propagated to every follower on the graph. This simulates the information propagation of networks such as Twitter or Facebook, where all the information produced by an user is shown to all its followers or mutual followers.

Reference: J. Goldenberg, B. Libai, and E. Muller. Talk of the Network: A Complex Systems Look at the Underlying Process of Word-of-Mouth, Marketing Letters, 12(3), pp. 211–223 (2001).

  • Constructor Details

    • IndependentCascadeModelProtocol

      public IndependentCascadeModelProtocol​(double prob, int numOwn)
      Constructor for the Independent Cascade Model simulator.
      prob - probability of propagating an information piece.
      numOwn - number of own tweets to propagate randomly each iteration.
    • IndependentCascadeModelProtocol

      public IndependentCascadeModelProtocol​(Graph<U> graph, int numOwn)
      Constructor for the Independent Cascade Model simulator.
      graph - graph that contains the probability of propagating an information piece across an edge.
      numOwn - number of own tweets to propagate randomly each iteration.