Type Parameters:
U - type of the users.
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
OriginalDirectUserMetricReranker, OriginalInverseUserMetricReranker, ProgressiveDirectUserMetricReranker, ProgressiveInverseUserMetricReranker

public abstract class UserMetricReranker<U>
extends GraphLocalReranker<U>
Abstract implementation of a reranking strategy for contact recommendation that modifies the order of the candidate users according to some vertex metric.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • UserMetricReranker

      public UserMetricReranker​(double lambda, int cutoff, java.util.function.Supplier<Normalizer<U>> norm, Graph<U> graph, VertexMetric<U> metric)
      lambda - trade-off between the original and novelty scores
      cutoff - maximum length of the definitive ranking.
      norm - the normalization strategy.
      graph - the original graph.
      metric - the vertex metric to optimize.